
Exposed on CANON !!!

For years (since 2018 to be more precise) I, Christofer Döss Sex Exhib & Public Masturbator,
have awesomely been naked, horny and exposed on the official CANON photo company website!

Don't believe me?
Check this out: https://community.usa.canon.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/101127


novabbs NEWSGROUP exposure!

My personal - and awesomly very much public everywhere - info is exposed publicly in a Newsgroup too!

Christofer Döss Sex Exhib & Public Masturbator SUPER FAG EXPOSURE
Full name: Christofer Döss Sex Exhib & Public Masturbator
Address: Safirgränd 5, S-82531 IGGESUND, Sweden
Phone: +4673-8246798
Email: christoferdoss@gmail.com
Social security number (as shown in my Driver‘s License ID): 19700130-7532
Exposure: Oh, hell yeah! Everywhere, publicly online! The more the better! 😍😍😍

Sotwe - #CockBallTorture exposure

I am also awesomely exposed on the "Twitter Web Viewer" hashtag search website called Sotwe and the CBT hashtag #CockBallTorture - and on my Twitter/X "Christofer Döss" username there!


More FFF!

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HOT bath!

Taking a HOT Christofer Döss Sex Exhib & Public Masturbator bath here now....! 😍😍😍

The best thing with working from home is that nobody can tell you what to do, how to do it or when to do it!