
"Are You An Exhibitionist?" answer...!

To a 2013 Dr. Justin Lehmiller written "Are You An Exhibitionist?" article/blog post (click and read it first to understand my answer) I, Christofer Döss Naturist, recently commented this:

That is not true. At all. This thinking is not only old, it's totally old fashion, nowadays. Stone age thinking even!


The general word exhibitionist also includes ordinary persons who just like being in the center of attention - perhaps as a musician, an artist or a speaker on stage, or even a teacher in front of a class - with clothes on and not exposing any genitals or nipples and no intention of creating any sexual arousal or shocking reactions of any part or not even being socially inappropriate naked. The right term should be Sexual Exhibitionist, if so. And not even calling it that is inappropriate (see next paragraph).



You do not have to "evoke a shocked reaction from the other person" to be called a sexual exhibitionist either. The counterpart or counterparts of the exposure might be of a voyeurist nature and therefore prefer to watch the performer to touch oneself - and love it and even masturbate or fantasize about it afterwards. No victims at all, as this is a win-win-situation for all parties here. With the Internet's growth and popularity this has grown to massive proportions, with webcams that not only records the acts but also nowadays broadcasts it live - even on common social media!

So, from being a psychological social disorder, where "4.1% of men and 2.1% of women revealed their genitals", this is now far more normalized and more common than ever before.



Whatever... I am and will still be a proud Christofer Döss Sex Exhib & Public Masturbator from Sweden. Loving every second of it too, which is also a reason, as I have thousands of fans from all over the world. A growing fan base too, ever since I began my quest of becoming the biggest and well known sexual exhibitionist in the whole wide world, back in 2008, fans that sends me nothing but lovingly comments every day, nothing but love and more love. Every day for 14 years now, 14 years! Every day! Imagine that, what an ego boost that is, a self confidence building mega boost too. Every day!

If you read the article and noticed that there are no comments, not even my comment, you might wonder why... That is because it is pending, still waiting, to be read and accepted (for not being spam). I sure posted the comment though.

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