I added more spikes and removed un-used space, so here I am now, trying on my new awesomly MUCH TIGHTER - and therefor also much much more intense and tougher to remove - upgraded 48 spiked HTH CBT cock cage/ring!

... and here's how it looks like right after I take it off...
Quite torn, I'd say. The dots are "scars" from loads of previous usage (sometimes up to four-five times a day, hours at the time, every day of the week - since I made the first version a year ago).
It really is like I said earlier in my blog, that the moment I remove it from my cock I immediately want to put it back on again!

EDIT 1 (2023-10-26)...
A lot of my fans have asked me to show how I put it on. A tutorial video film, where I show how I slip into this awesome device of mine, is currectly under production.
EDIT 2 (2023-10-28)...
...and here is the finnished result, the 3 min video with me sliding my cock into my awesome 48 spike HTH CBG cock cage/ring...
That's at least what I thought and hoped, but nada.
They said that the video, 172 MB, was too big to be uploaded here, unfortunately. But when I checked both pics and vids can me as big as 1024 MB, som that was very strange!
Maybe/hopefully better luck next time.
EDIT 3 (2023-11-04)...
Thanks to an online video converter I managed to scale it down from 172 MB to 75 MB - and that was enough for Google to accept it.
So here it is! Hope you like it as much as I like putting it on, wearing it and playing with my cock in it!